Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

4-5 Optional Discussion

4-5 Optional Discussion

Q For many criminal justice jobs, the application requires submitting an essay explaining why you should be hired. In this discussion, you will play the role of hiring manager. Select a career path from the list below and highlight the skills you feel qualify a candidate for the position: • police officer • probation officer • victim advocate • court advocate Write a brief (two-paragraph) summary describing the skills and background of the candidate you are looking for. Find job postings for the career you chose on the Handshake and/or USAJOBS websites and review the qualifications listed. Links to these websites are provided in the Module Four Optional Resources. Return to the discussion to give your peers constructive feedback on their posts.

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The selected career path that I have chosen would be a probation officer for the state. A probation officer is responsible for monitoring individuals who are not only recently released from an institution( jail, prison, program,) but also on probation itself. If I was to employ an individual for such a position they would need experience and skills related to this position. They would need a strong background in social work, psychology, and have some sort of experience with the criminal justice system itself. These individuals Should posses a strong communication as well as interpersonal skills. This is due because of there close work with clients,